_field_description ), 'parent_field_description' => array( null, $parent_field_description ), 'desc_field_description' => array( $desc_field_description, $desc_field_description ), 'edit_item' => array( __( 'Edit Tag' ), __( 'Edit Category' ) ), 'view_item' => array( __( 'View Tag' ), __( 'View Category' ) ), 'update_item' => array( __( 'Update Tag' ), __( 'Update Category' ) ), 'add_new_item' => array( __( 'Add New Tag' ), __( 'Add New Category' ) ), 'new_item_name' => array( __( 'New Tag Name' ), __( 'New Category Name' ) ), 'separate_items_with_commas' => array( __( 'Separate tags with commas' ), null ), 'add_or_remove_items' => array( __( 'Add or remove tags' ), null ), 'choose_from_most_used' => array( __( 'Choose from the most used tags' ), null ), 'not_found' => array( __( 'No tags found.' ), __( 'No categories found.' ) ), 'no_terms' => array( __( 'No tags' ), __( 'No categories' ) ), 'filter_by_item' => array( null, __( 'Filter by category' ) ), 'items_list_navigation' => array( __( 'Tags list navigation' ), __( 'Categories list navigation' ) ), 'items_list' => array( __( 'Tags list' ), __( 'Categories list' ) ), /* translators: Tab heading when selecting from the most used terms. */ 'most_used' => array( _x( 'Most Used', 'tags' ), _x( 'Most Used', 'categories' ) ), 'back_to_items' => array( __( '← Go to Tags' ), __( '← Go to Categories' ) ), 'item_link' => array( _x( 'Tag Link', 'navigation link block title' ), _x( 'Category Link', 'navigation link block title' ), ), 'item_link_description' => array( _x( 'A link to a tag.', 'navigation link block description' ), _x( 'A link to a category.', 'navigation link block description' ), ), ); return self::$default_labels; } /** * Resets the cache for the default labels. * * @since 6.0.0 */ public static function reset_default_labels() { self::$default_labels = array(); } } * @param WP_Term|object $term Term object. */ public function __construct( $term ) { foreach ( get_object_vars( $term ) as $key => $value ) { $this->$key = $value; } } /** * Sanitizes term fields, according to the filter type provided. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string $filter Filter context. Accepts 'edit', 'db', 'display', 'attribute', 'js', 'rss', or 'raw'. */ public function filter( $filter ) { sanitize_term( $this, $this->taxonomy, $filter ); } /** * Converts an object to array. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @return array Object as array. */ public function to_array() { return get_object_vars( $this ); } /** * Getter. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string $key Property to get. * @return mixed Property value. */ public function __get( $key ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'data': $data = new stdClass(); $columns = array( 'term_id', 'name', 'slug', 'term_group', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count' ); foreach ( $columns as $column ) { $data->{$column} = isset( $this->{$column} ) ? $this->{$column} : null; } return sanitize_term( $data, $data->taxonomy, 'raw' ); } } }